Swank(ish) diet gets a Thumbs Up
April 23, 2013

My conservative GP sent me to the dietitian.
I ‘chose’ to be gluten free and have chosen to follow some hippy diet to cure my MS.
Ignoring the judgemental undertones, I explained low sat fat to the dietitian. I also explained that I will continue to eat low fat red meat due to underlying anemia.
She had never heard of swank. But there was nothing wrong with fish a couple of times a week, or eliminating sat and trans fat. The vitamins (fish oil, iron, cranberry, vitamin d) are all sensible. But she wanted to do research.
Well, for those of you sitting on the fence: there is nothing wrong with Swank. My dietitian would like me to eat whole eggs (protein) and lite cheese (calcium). But eating red meat 3 times a week is fine – make it lean and make it count.
Oh, and she understands that some of us have bodies that know they are intolerant (for me it is gluten) without the auto immune disease or allergy.
So, even if Swank doesn’t cure your MS, it can’t hurt. What are you waiting for.
Think about what is more important, that piece of xxxx or staying out of a wheelchair.