September 7, 2016

vegetables in a strainer

We grew up hearing …

‘you are what you eat’.

Imagine your body is sick. I know, not too difficult if you are relapsing. Imaging your body wants to be healthy. Broken bones heal, sun burn cells renew. Whether you are going to use conventional medicines or not, there is minimal harm in looking at diet as one tool you have control over that could make a difference.

What have you got to lose?

What was that … you are too busy? You’re a mum and the family wont like it? Cant afford it? Wont work anyway, so why bother?

Seriously? I’ve not only heard all the excuses, I’ve used them and then some. And if you want an excuse, then pick one and wear it like a cape. Wrap it around you. BUT (there is always a but), here’s some tips not only how to change your self talk, but how to take control of your diet without sacrificing your family, or your taste buds.

‘Too busy’ … I’m hearing you. 3 kids, working full time and studying was difficult. I chose Sunday as my day to do a full week’s shop and do some prep. Menu planning and shopping for a week saves heaps of time deciding and doing during the week.

‘Family wont like it’ … Oh yes. Going gluten free was a big change in a pasta loving household. So, GF bread for me, normal bread for everyone else. Pasta for them, either GF pasta in a separate saucepan for me, or I’ll just have the sauce on a baked potato. Introducing fish almost resulted in mutiny. But now 9 months later, husband loves his salmon as do two out of three kids. The third just has a piece of chicken that we still throw in the oven with the salmon. But this is where being honest with them will work. You aren’t just going on a diet because you want to lose weight. You are changing the way you eat to have more energy, to heal. Invite them to be part of your solution.

‘Cant afford it’ … I cant help you here. We are all different and some places it is really challenging to afford fresh food. If money is a genuine issue, you are already better at budgeting and finding specials in your neighborhood than I am. What I will ask you, is are you really making the healthiest cheap choice? Stir fry with rice is relatively cheap. Less meat and more vegetables and legumes. Be honest with yourself. Go cheap, but go the healthiest you can on your budget.

‘Wont work anyway, so why bother’. I dont know whether to be angry or resigned. There is so much evidence out there that diet matters. Whether it is heart disease, lung disease, obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol. There is also evidence that diet works for multiple sclerosis. 60 years of evidence. So, I’ll turn the question back on you … what harm could it do and what have you got to lose? What are the (potential) side effects and efficacy rates for your current medications? What are the (potential) side effects of eating more vegetables and fruit? Will eating healthier contravene anything your doctors have said? Will it conflict with your current medications? If not, again, what have you got to lose.

If you want to take control of your disease, there are only a few things you have control of. Diet is one. Take control.