Message with love to LGBTI teens - you ARE Made Strong Enough
September 25, 2016

After a couple of bottles of wine on the weekend, conversation turned to marriage equality.
In Australia, the federal government wants to hold a plebiscite into marriage equality - that is to ‘legalise gay marriage’ or to allow any two consenting adults to make a legal commitment to each other, no matter what race, religion, sex or gender. See Prime Minister statement.
Apparently, those who support marriage equality ‘dont understand the full consequences of the decision’. What a stupid statement - marriage equality is about affording others equal rights - not taking away rights.
In Australia, if you are in a same sex relationship, the government considers you a couple for government benefits. BUT, superannuation is a more difficult situation. And, if one party dies (which will happen eventually), estate matters can become a legal and emotional nightmare. I gave examples of friends’ real lived experience.
Apparently, those were just ‘unfortunate’. Sixty years ago inter-faith marriages could result in children disowned. Equality is a bigger issue when you don’t have it. Inter-race and inter-faith marriages have not collapsed society. Neither will same-sex marriage.
Do I agree with having a plebiscite I was asked. No. I fear a hate campaign. Advocates of marriage equality fear that (especially young) LGBTI individuals may read hate propaganda and be hurt, depressed and may even contemplate or try self harm as both sides try to persuade the voting public. See Australian Marriage Equality and Huffington Post. According to 9News while 62 per cent of Australians want marriage equality, only 39 per cent want the plebescite.
Think of the children, I was asked. I responded that the children are already here and loved. My dinner companions were not concerned at the pain or trauma that the marriage equality debate may inflict on young people either living with two mums or two dads, or those who are on their journey to coming out.
And therein lies the problem.
People who are confident in their own ‘equality’ cant see how equality can be important to those who don’t have it.
And their ignorance will result in ignorant and hurtful statements.
So my message, from my heart, to those who want equality, want to be accepted for the perfect person that you are:
You are made strong enough to survive this
You are made perfect - God doesn’t make mistakes
You are made perfect
You are made strong enough
You have family and friends who love you for you. There will be voices, strong and loud voices that will preach hatred and evil. You are made strong enough to ignore them, see through them.
I know that you may be in pain, or scared or feeling alone. And I don’t have the perfect words. But please believe me, there is a world of support out there. Surround yourself with a ‘team’. Family and friends - both real and virtual. You are made strong enough for this.
And many Christians will be praying for you, and for marriage equality.