My cup is half full(ish) even with RRMS
April 21, 2013

Most of my posts have been about my emotional ride through RRMS diagnosis.
I have been sad (very sad), in denial, had a little anger at my body and definite frustration.
But today, I am feeling good. Having RRMS, and a healthy dose of stubbornness and denial, I have changed things to give myself a chance.
Lower stress.
I have pulled back from being as involved in the local soccer club. Weeks of preseason stress relating to grading all gone. I am culling crap in my life. Clean desk, aiming for passes instead of distinctions. Housework – well my house is patient and if I don’t get to it today, it will wait. I am also taking at least 15 minutes 3 times a week to have lunch in the sun. Gotta love that Vitamin D.
Diet – well a Swankish approach has dropped me from a big size 14 to just buying a size 10 suit! Got to be happy with that. Giving up saturated fat meant giving up hot chips, BBQ chicken, plain salted chips or corn chips, pop corn and the like. 6 kilos lighter. Drinking more water, started to replace one or two meals with seafood – which I do not like, but doing it anyway. Because of my anemia, have not and will not give up red meat. I only use low fat cuts and cut off all visible fat. That will be my only voluntary saturated fat.
Insomnia is still my curse, but I am practicing breathing and taking time to enjoy the life I still have. I have dropped my baby fat (my baby is now 8) and strutting new jeans.