and here we go again ... it's 2am ... and I'm awake
June 14, 2013

I just posted about insomnia. And here it is, 2 am and I am wide awake, with a clearer brain than I have during daylight hours.
So, is this low fat the reason? Is my body waking at 2 am most mornings because my sugar levels have crashed. Is my sudden need for fruit, jam on toast and glass of bubbles, really my body and brain crying out for either fat or sugar to keep my brain functioning?
Type A personality that I severely need a solution.
So, later today I will have breakfast – an unnatural time wasting occurrence for me. It will either have egg or nuts. I will also drink 600ml of water as I take those stupid pills. I will eat something at noonish. And have a bag of nuts and dried fruit in my bag to snack on. And, I will only have one glass of wine over the weekend.
Today’s foggy brain was an 8 out of ten. Kids were telling me about their day and I have no ideas what they said. If I didn’t take notes of a conversation, it was lost. I couldn’t recall receiving an important email, but once resent it was all clear. I have had one night without waking up this week. Haven’t had breakfast or lunch once. Barely drunk any water.
I’ll monitor progress here, mainly because if I don’t, I will probably forget. Goodnight.