Managing Spoons
September 16, 2016

Tired? Exhausted? Fatigued?
Or just out of Spoons?
I’ve been tired for so long, my doctor couldnt find the first time I complained! Certainly, years before my MS diagnosis I remember cooking for a dinner party and then having a ‘nana nap’ for an hour before guests arrived. Study was mentally exhausting so in preparation for exams it was one hour study, one hour sleep. Not the most efficient way to live life.
Recently, I was introduced to spoon theory. Take time and read the original tale by Christine Miserandino. Essentially, we awake with a certain number of spoons for the day. Some days getting up and ready for work takes a spoon. Some days, just getting out of bed takes a spoon. Once the spoon is gone it is gone. You cant borrow from the next day - but if you try then the next day will be worse.
You are made strong enough to beat MS, but it does take energy and willingness to manage your spoons.
Tips for managing your spoons
- Get your family on board. Get them to read the Spoon Theory. There should be a few ‘ah ha’ moments.
- Learn to recognise when you are running out of spoons. Before you run out. In a scary way, my family knew my warning signs before I did!
- Look at your next 7 days in terms of spoon-sucking. This week is a bad week for me and I have struggled to make time to rest when I can.
- Water, water, water. The last thing we need is dehydration on top of tiredness. Keep a water bottle nearby at all times.
- Swap those pretty shoes for some comfortable shoes. Tired feet is just the beginning. This week I am just slammed, so I swapped to Sketches on Tuesday (and my skirt for trousers). It made a huge difference.
- Say ‘no’. Know when to say ‘no’ and when to delegate. This week it hasnt been possible (think I need a doona day on the weekend). But I am starting to get better at it.
- Menu plan. Buy your groceries once a week, at least it is done, and people wont starve. Do some of the prep when you do have spoons.
So, what works for you? Is spoon theory real? Do you have a week day allocation of spoons and a weekend allocation?